
Thursday, November 21, 2013

C4K November Summary

Life in Auckland vs. Syria
Mary is a Year 6 student at Pt England School. This post was a short poem about how life differs in Auckland and Syria.
"I wake up to a bright light beaming through the curtains. I look at the time and its 8:00am. “Shoot! I’m running late” I shout. I quickly get dressed, clean my bed, brush my teeth and dash out the door skipping breakfast.

I wake up to bullets shooting through the room. I run to my mom's room and look out the window. “Another war happening!” I cry. I get down on my knees and close my eyes. I pray and pray to the Lord to help me and my family survive another day of horror.

I arrive at school and I check the time again. “It’s 8:30am” I say, right on time. I walk into class and sit down to wait for Mrs Nua to take the daily class roll. “Today is going to be a great day” I say and walk to my literacy group.

I open my eyes and realise that the gunshots have stopped. I look around and my mother is still peacefully deep into her sleep. “What to do?” I look around the room to do something for the day. No education, lacking clean clothes and no food to eat. “What to do?”

“Ring, Ring!” bell went. “Eating time” I say with excitement, I pack my stuff and ran to class. I walked outside and waited for my friends, afterwards my friends and I went to play on the field.

Everyday I think about my future am I going to wake up to gunshots every mornings, is my family and I going to survive another day, am I going to starve to death. Every Night I pray to the lord to guide us through the darkest hours."

This is a very emotional poem to read when you think about a child writing it. Here is the comment I left her:
"Hi Mary,
My name is Michelle. I'm a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL, USA. I very much liked this post! You showed great contrast between the two worlds. Keep up with your writing and blogging! You're doing a great job so far! I keep a class blog too. Here is the link if you want to check it out: My Blog."

My Dad's Trip to London
Peter is in Mrs. Yollis's class. He wrote so incredibly well for a third grader that I had to double check his grade. He wrote about his dad's trip to London, a place we both want to visit. He had pictures from his dad's trip to illustrate his post. His writing was very well done! He very much enjoys writing on his blog. Here is the comment I left for Peter:
"Hello Peter,
My name is Michelle. I'm also a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I actually had to recheck what grade level you are because of your post! VERY good job. I've never been to London, but the United Kingdom is on the top of my list of places to visit. Seeing all of your pictures that your dad took makes me want to visit soon! I hope you are enjoying blogging. You are doing a fantastic job with your writing skills. I also keep a blog for my class! If you'd like to see it, here is the link: My Blog."

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